The website www.mp3shop.gr is an online commercial store selling services via the Internet (hereinafter referred to as the online store or website) created by the Social Cooperative Enterprise of Collective & Social Benefit "Hellenic Solution," headquartered in the city of Rhodes at 257 Rhodes-Lindos Avenue. The telephone number is 2241181581, the email address is [email protected], the Social Economy General Register Number (A.GE.M.K.O) is 000056203111, the General Commercial Register Number (G.E.MI) is 166269561000, and the VAT number is 997088563 of the Rhodes Tax Office (7542), (hereinafter referred to as the "website" or the "Company" for short).

The visitor/user of the services of this website mp3shop.gr (hereinafter the "website") understands and accepts that the set of pages/services is provided "as is" and the website disclaims any liability related to the limited duration, deletion, poor performance or the inability to electronically store any user data and/or any content of personal pages/services.

The visitor/user is responsible for accessing the services of the website and the relevant access may require the payment of fees to third parties (e.g. internet service providers, internet time charges). The visitor/user is solely responsible for paying the relevant fees. Furthermore, the visitor/user is solely responsible for equipping himself/herself with the necessary technological means to access the services of the website.

The site is committed to ensuring the privacy of its visitors. These Terms of Use - Privacy Policy explain how the personal data of visitors/users are handled in accordance with the applicable legal framework [(REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and any applicable laws].

Each visitor/user is asked to accept the use of Cookies in accordance with the terms of this Policy, the first time they visit the website. By using the website, and by accepting this Policy, the visitor/user accepts the website's use of Cookies in accordance with the terms of this Policy.

The website reserves the right to freely modify or revise the terms and conditions of use and transactions from the online store, whenever it deems necessary, and undertakes the obligation to inform consumers of any change through the pages of this online store. Contracts via the e-shop are drawn up in Greek and/or English.


1. Purpose

This Agreement also governs the terms under which the Customers (the "Customer" or "You") of the MP3SHOP.gr Background Music Licensing Service (the "Service") acquire the right to use musical composition, master recordings or any other audio content and related material (lyrics, etc.) (the "Works" or "Musical Works") provided by members of the collaborating artist community ("Artists") and made available in the licensing catalogue ("Repertoire").

By purchasing a license to use MP3SHOP.gr and accepting this Agreement at the time of purchase, you agree to be bound by all of its provisions. These Terms of Sale, the MP3SHOP.gr website Terms of Use posted at https://mp3shop.gr/terms and the Special Terms created at the time of purchase are considered an indivisible whole (the "Agreement").

If you accept this Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity identified in the ordering process, you warrant and represent that you have full authority to bind your employer or such entity. If you do not have such authority or do not agree to this Agreement, you must not accept it and must not purchase any MP3SHOP.gr product or service.

2. Licence conditions

All rights in the Works, including, without limitation, all copyright and other intellectual property rights not expressly granted under this Agreement, are reserved by the Rightsholders. and the Collective Management Organisations representing them.

2.1 Licence for the use of musical works

The Company provides the User with a non-exclusive, non-transferable, personal license to use the purchased musical works, for non-professional use only. The User may download and store the works on one device at a time. User may not reproduce, distribute, resell, transfer, modify, broadcast, publish or exploit the works in any way, except for the uses expressly permitted in this Agreement. The User agrees to pay the specified price for the purchase of the musical works as displayed on the Company's platform.

All copyrights to the musical works belong to their owners. The Company does not grant any rights to the User other than the limited rights granted through this Agreement. The preservation of the multimedia and the files containing them, after payment for the service, is the sole responsibility of the User - purchaser of the service of access to the files.

2.2 Music Licensing Service of the MP3SHOP.gr

(1) By purchasing a professional soundtrack license, which may be offered at a price higher than the sale price of the copies of the musical works, the publishing company, and its affiliated Collecting Societies, grant you a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited to the term specified in the Special Terms, license to use a selection of Musical Works ("Repertoire") to be used as soundtrack in a public place. This license allows you to reproduce the Repertoire of the Musical Works, by any analog or digital means, in a public place.

(2) Background music licences shall be renewed tacitly for the same period, depending on the duration indicated in the Special Conditions. You may terminate the license and prevent the implied renewal by sending a notice by regular mail or email at least one month before the end of the period or by using the cancellation option in your account. The Company reserves the right to adjust its prices for the renewal of the public performance license in relation to the prices currently in effect. In this case, you will be notified of the price increase or decrease prior to the expiration of the license.

(3) The Repertoire of Musical Works may be updated from time to time by the Society without notice in order to add new works or remove works that are no longer part of the Licensing Authority's repertoire of MP3SHOP.gr. You agree and undertake to update at least once a year all copies of the Repertoire of Musical Works in your possession.

(4) The Company warrants that it has the ability to license its Repertoire to you under this Agreement and warrants that your use of the Repertoire pursuant to this Agreement and in the form in which the Company and its partner Collective Management Organisations will not infringe any copyright or other intellectual property rights.

(5) Except as expressly stated in the preceding Article 2.1 (4), the Works are provided "as is" and the Company and its partner Collective Management Organisations disclaim any warranty of any kind for the Project, including, but not limited to, any warranty as to the quality and merchantability of the Project or the suitability of the Project for a particular purpose or for the Customer's needs. The Company and its partner Collective Management Organisations do not represent that the Projects will meet your requirements, nor that you will not have to pay royalty fees or any other similar fees to any rights holders due to local laws in your jurisdiction.

(6) Provided that the Projects are used in accordance with this Agreement and do not violate this Agreement, the Company and its partner Collective Management Organisations jointly undertake, subject to the terms of Section 2.1 (1) and (2), to indemnify you against any liability arising from any action, claim or legal proceeding alleging that your use of the Works breaches the terms set out in Section 2.1 (1) above, only if you have purchased the additional Full Legal Liability Coverage for Music of the MP3SHOP. Such withdrawal is contingent upon your timely written notice to the Company of such claim. The Company and its partner Collective Management Organisations are not liable for any expenses incurred prior to the notification of the claim.

(7) Except as expressly stated in this Agreement, the Company and its partner Collective Management Organisations shall not be liable to the Customer or any third party for any expense, claim, damage or loss of profits, direct or indirect, tangible or intangible, arising from the performance of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, loss of data, loss of profits and loss of opportunity. In addition, Company and its partner Collective Management Organisations shall not be liable for any cost, damage or loss arising from any modification made to the Project by you or the context in which the Project is used.

(8) The maximum aggregate liability of the Company and τof affiliateof with thisν Agencyμών Collectiveς Management under this Agreement and any other agreement shall be limited to one thousand (1,000) euros.

2.3 Prohibited uses

The following uses are prohibited under this Agreement:

(1) Any direct use of Musical Works, primarily in the form of streaming or as part of a collection not approved by the Company, distribution on CD, DVD, jukebox or any other medium not approved for that purpose by the Company; and τtheir affiliatetheir with this Agencyuss Collectiveς Management.

(2) Any use of the Musical Works in a fraudulent, unlawful, defamatory, offensive, discriminatory or in any way promotes, seeks or encourages the infringement of intellectual property rights, including the moral rights of the Artists, the Company and τof affiliateof with thisν Organizationν Collectiveς Management.

3. Payment terms

(1) In consideration of the license granted under this Agreement, Customer shall pay a Fee ("Fee") based on the Services selected at the time of purchase. A legal document corresponding to the Fee will be generated at the time of purchase and will be provided to Customer. Upon validation of the purchase by the Customer, the order is considered final and is not subject to refund.

(2) Any delay in payment of a voucher may result in an additional charge of 1% (1%) per month until payment is received. The Company also reserves the right to close the customer's account and terminate the agreement.

(3) The Customer agrees to be responsible for paying any bank charges or similar fees, sales taxes, value added taxes and withholding taxes imposed by any jurisdiction for the use of the Works or as a result of the license granted to the Customer.

4. General provisions

(1) The use of the MP3SHOP.gr Services requires the registration and the provision of certain information to the Company. You undertake to provide the Company with correct and complete information and to keep it up to date. Login credentials may give you access to certain services that are restricted to our Customers. These credentials are strictly personal and should not be shared or disclosed to third parties under any circumstances. You should protect the Company by acknowledging that it is not liable in any way for any unlawful use of your credentials, whether fraudulent or not, by your own acts or omissions or those of third parties.

(2) This Agreement is personal to the Customer and may not be assigned to a third party without the prior written consent of the Company.

5. Termination of use

(1) You may terminate this Agreement by ceasing to use the Repertoire for any reason, but always within the time limits in paragraph 2.1.2.The Agreement is also automatically terminated if you fail to comply with any of its terms and without any notice from the Company. The Company reserves the right to claim compensation for damages suffered. Upon termination, you agree to cease all use of the Repertoire and Musical Works and to delete all copies in your possession. In such cases, the fee you paid to the Company is not subject to refund unless otherwise provided for in the other Terms of Use.

(2) The Company reserves the right to revoke or modify the terms of this Agreement and to replace the Repertoire or any Musical Work with an alternative for any reason, including but not limited to potential or actual claims of intellectual property or copyright infringement by third parties. Upon notice from the Company or if you become aware of any such claim, you must immediately discontinue use of the Work at your own expense and delete all copies in your possession.

6. Right of unjustified withdrawal by the customer

The customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract within a period of 14 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the service contract. The withdrawal is subject to the following conditions:

- The declaration of withdrawal is made in writing or electronically and the Company is obliged to send a confirmation of receipt of the declaration of withdrawal as soon as it is received.

- Following the declaration of withdrawal, the Company is obliged to refund the price received within a maximum of 14 days from the receipt of the products.

- Delivery and cash on delivery costs are not refundable.

- The refund to the customer will be made by the same means by which the original collection was made. Specifically, in the case of credit card billing as follows: in the event that by the time of withdrawal and return of the item the price has been paid to the Company by the Bank, the Company will be obliged to inform the Bank of the cancellation of the transaction and the Bank will perform any action provided for under the contract it has drawn up with the customer. Upon such notification, the Company shall not be responsible for the time and manner of execution of the counter-billing, regulated by the aforesaid contract.

- The customer is liable to compensate the company if he/she has made use other than that necessary to ascertain the nature, characteristics and operation of the service in the period up to the declaration of withdrawal. The ascertainment of the nature, characteristics and functioning of the service should be made on the basis of the information provided by the company and in any case without using the service.

- The company is willing to inform the customer of any question regarding the nature and operation of the service by providing additional information material, electronically or otherwise.

- If the withdrawal concerns the provision of services, the customer must pay an amount proportional to the services provided until the withdrawal declaration.

7. Exceptions to withdrawal

There is no right of withdrawal in service contracts after the service has been fully performed, if performance has begun with the prior express consent of the customer and with the customer's acknowledgement that he will lose his right of withdrawal once the contract has been fully performed by the supplier. In cases where the consumer has specifically requested a visit by the supplier for the purpose of carrying out urgent repairs or maintenance work, if, in the case of such a visit, the supplier provides services in addition to those specifically requested by the consumer or goods in addition to the spare parts that were necessarily used in carrying out the maintenance work or repairs, the right of withdrawal applies to those additional services or goods. No withdrawal shall be possible in the case of the sale of sealed audio or video recordings or sealed computer software, unsealed after delivery and in the case of services and goods clearly personalised and manufactured according to the consumer's specifications.


Visitors/users of the Company's website who are minors are not allowed to access the services of the website that may be considered inappropriate for minors and which cannot be controlled by the website. Any section or service that may contain material that is inappropriate/offensive/immoral has a warning to visitors/users. If, however, underage users voluntarily visit pages containing material that is inappropriate/offensive/immoral and which cannot be continuously monitored, the site is not liable.


It is mutually accepted and understood that all information, data, text, graphics, photographs, images, pictures, music files, videos, messages and all content, whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, remains the sole responsibility of the natural or legal person from which the content originates. This means that the user is solely responsible for all and any content he or she posts, publishes, sends, transmits or otherwise makes available through the services of the website. The website is not able, due to its volume, to control all of the content posted by its users/members on the website services, so it does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity, legality, or quality of such content. Under no circumstances can the website be held liable for any error or omission in any content or for any damage or harm that may arise from the use of any content posted, sent, transmitted or otherwise made available by users/members on the website services. Users/members agree not to make use of the website services and accept full and exclusive liability in relation to the following for:

- Posting, publishing, sending, transmitting, transferring or using any other method to install content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, abusive, offensive, harmful, defamatory, vulgar, violent, abusive, racist or otherwise objectionable, violates the privacy and personal data of others, any intellectual property rights of any entity and causes feelings of hatred, and/or any other constituted criminal offence and any other form of unsolicited promotion of content, including content containing digital viruses or any other electronic code, files or programs designed to interfere with, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or equipment or telecommunications equipment.

- Causing harm to minors in any way.

- Impersonation of any legal or natural person or false statement about the identity of the user/member or misleading statement regarding the relationship and/or cooperation of the user/member with another legal or natural person.

- Forgery or other alteration of user/member identifiers in order to mislead as to the origin of the content transmitted through the services of the website.

- Posting, publishing, sending, transmitting, transferring or otherwise using any other method to install content by a person who is not entitled to make that content available under law or under a confidential relationship.

- Interference with the services or disruption of the services or servers or networks connected to the services of the website, or violation of the conditions, procedures and rules of use of these networks.

- Violation, with or without intent, of any local, national, European, international legislation and/or any rule having the force of law concerning and/or covering any service of the website.

- Harassment in any way of the privacy and individual and social rights of other users (such as the collection and/or storage of personal data of other users/members).

The user understands and accepts that the website does not make a preliminary check of the content, but that the website and its competent partners reserve the right (and not the obligation) to have the exclusive choice to refuse to post/publish or move or delete any content available through its services. Also, the site and its relevant partners reserve the right to delete without notice any content that violates these terms of use.


The website provides its users with membership services, after completing the registration process. Once the visitor/user has completed the registration process set, he/she will receive confirmation of a personal password and the user name that he/she will have set with an information note from this website. Members remain solely responsible for all operations carried out under their personal password, user name and their user account in general. Members agree to notify the site immediately of any unauthorised use of their account and any resulting and/or potential security breach. Furthermore, members are solely responsible for the careful use of their account and the formal log-out of their account at the end of each use. The site is not liable for any harm or damage resulting from members' failure to respect and follow this clause.


If the visitor/user wishes to subscribe to the services of the website, he/she agrees to: a) provide true, accurate, valid and complete information about the data requested by the website in the relevant requests for access to its contents/services; and b) maintain and diligently update his/her registration data in order to keep them true, accurate, valid, up-to-date and complete. The registration details are necessary for the proper provision of the site's services to users and the maintenance/recovery of their account. By sending the passwords from the website, the registration process is completed and the user/member is presumed to accept and be aware of these terms of use. The visitor/user is requested to inform the website in case the personal information concerning him/her needs to be corrected or updated.


The user who uses the services of the website, to post and/or publish information, data, texts, graphics, photographs, images, music files, videos, messages, gives permission to the website and other sites managed by a common Group/Company, for the period of time that this content is part of the services of the website, to use the space where the content has been posted for advertising purposes. Also, the user/member who posts and/or publishes information, data, texts, texts, graphics, photographs, images, pictures, music files, videos, messages consents to the posting and/or publication of advertisements by the website on the relevant pages/services. This website is not responsible for the communication of the user/member with the third party service providers advertised on the website and for any commercial transaction that may arise from the relationship between them.


The user understands and accepts that he/she reserves the exclusive responsibility to indemnify the website and its partners for any legal dispute that may arise between him/her and third parties due to the content that he/she makes available for posting, publication, or other transfer through the services of the website.


The user understands and accepts that the website reserves the exclusive right to terminate the use of his/her access code(s) to its services and/or discontinue the availability of its content to users/members, especially when it believes that they have violated the letter and spirit of these terms of use, as well as the services themselves.


The website may use cookies to identify the visitor/user of some of its services and pages. The website and connected applications use cookies.

A cookie is a file containing an identification code (a sequence of numbers and letters) that is sent from a server to a browser where it is stored. Each time the browser requests a page from the server, the identification code is sent back to the server.

Cookies can be either permanent or session cookies. Permanent cookies are stored by the browser and remain active either until their expiration date or until the user deletes them. Those that relate to a single session expire when the connection is terminated, as soon as the browser is switched off (closed).

In cooperation with our trusted partners, we use cookies for the following purposes:

Α. Mandatory Cookies.

We use these cookies to ensure optimal functionality of the website in the following ways:

- Recognize users who have browsed at least once more on mp3shop.gr or are registered members of the site and allow them to be presented with a personalized version of the site.

- Eliminate the need for users who have entered the site once to re-enter information necessary for a better browsing experience.

- Contact our website with a range of contact and information forms.

- Identification of partners who, for a fee, lead the user to our website.

Β. Functional Cookies

We use these cookies to measure the usage behaviour of visitors to our website in order to optimise it. By using web analytics provided by Google Analytics, we can analyse the pages visited by users and other statistics (e.g. time spent on the page, website from which they came, number of pages per visit, etc.) and through these we can provide optimised content on the website (based on the interests of users). We also use the aforementioned statistics to capture user desires and define our advertising strategy based on them.

Third party vendors, including Google, may display Company's advertisements on internet sites, use cookies to inform, optimize and display advertisements based on the user's previous visit to www.mp3shop.gr.MP3SHOP.gr may also use cookies from your previous visit to its website for re-marketing.

You can opt out of such use of cookies by Google by clicking on the following hyperlink https://www.google.com/ads/preferences/

You can also configure your browser (chrome, firefox edge etc.) to inform you each time before a cookie is downloaded and you can decide whether to accept or reject it. In this case keep in mind that you may not be able to use all its features.

MP3SHOP.gr may use Google Analytics features for display ads (e.g., repeat marketing, Google Display Network display reports, etc.). Using the Ads Settings, visitors can opt out of Google Analytics for display ads and also customize Google Display Network ads. Here are the available Google Analytics opt-out options for the web.

MP3SHOP.gr complies with the Google AdWords Interest Based Advertising Policy and the restrictions for sensitive categories. MP3SHOP.gr and third party vendors, including Google, together use cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookie) to update, optimize and serve ads based on some users' previous visits to its website, to run reports on how MP3SHOP.gr ads are displayed, other uses of advertising services, interactions with these ad displays and advertising services related to visits to MP3SHOP.gr.

MP3SHOP.gr may use the data from Google's interest-based advertising or third party audience data (such as age, gender and interests) with Google Analytics.

C. Cookies from other websites and Behaviorally Targeted Advertising Cookies (third party):

On the pages of the website there are cookies that are not directly related to the website but to partners, advertisers or sponsors. When you visit a page containing data from other sites such as YouTube or Facebook, these sites use their own cookies on your device/browser you are visiting with. The site does not control these cookies or have access to them in the way cookies work (only those who created them have access to the cookies). Please check the policy of these sites for more information regarding these cookies.

Behaviorally Targeted Advertising Cookies store users' preferences about the services they have browsed in order to display relevant advertisements on third-party websites, according to their interests.

If for any reason you do not wish to receive "cookies", you should modify your browser settings accordingly to either notify you of the use of cookies or not to allow their use. You should note that any settings that do not allow the use of "cookies" may affect the way and/or the ability of the website to provide services, facilities or certain functions. Failure to make such settings shall be understood as acceptance of the reception and storage of "cookies" by the website.

A cookie with a unique identification code (a sequence of numbers and letters) is stored on the hard disk of the user of the website during his/her visit so that partners who, for a fee, lead the user to our website can be identified.

Some pages/advertisements may use Adobe Flash Player to deliver video content or advertisements to users. Adobe uses its own cookies which are not managed by your device's browser but are managed by Flash Player for similar purposes such as storing preferences or storing information about users. Flash cookies work differently to other cookies as all information is stored in one cookie. You can control how much information can be stored in these cookies, but you cannot control the type of information stored in them. You can control which sites can store information through the website storage settings panel on the Adobe site.

How can I manage or stop the use of cookies?

Many users find the idea of using data intrusive to their personal data, especially when the use of this data is done by third parties. For example, you may object to the use of your information (derived from your browsing history on a website) to conduct an advertising campaign. If you want to prevent the use of cookies during your browsing you can do so by following these steps, knowing that this will affect the functionality of the website.

You can delete cookies that have been created from your hard drive.

You can also change the preferences/settings in the web browser you are using. In some cases you can accept cookies from certain sites and block the creation of third party cookies. In others you can block cookies from specific advertisers. You should be aware that deleting or blocking cookies may reduce the functionality of the site you are browsing. For more information in relation to cookies you can visit www.allaboutcookies.org or go to the help menu within the browser used. If you experience problems deleting or blocking cookies from the browser you are using contact your browser provider.

In the links below you can find information on how to prevent the use or delete cookies from your browser.

Firefox 2.0+ / 3.0+ / 4.0+/8.0+

Internet Explorer (IE) 9.0+

Internet Explorer (IE) 11.0+

Google Chrome



Delete Performance Analysis Cookies:

If you wish to delete such cookies please click here [Google Analytics: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout]


Apart from the expressly mentioned exceptions (copyright of third parties, partners and institutions), all the content of the website, including videos, images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, the services provided and generally all the files of this website, constitute intellectual property, registered trademarks, designs, distinctive features and service marks of the website and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions and treaties. Consequently, none of them may be sold, copied, modified, reproduced, republished, in whole or in part, or "uploaded", transmitted or distributed in any way. The products or services mentioned on the web pages of this website and bearing the trademarks of the respective organisations, companies, partner organisations, associations or publications are their intellectual and industrial property and therefore these organisations are responsible for them. The user understands and accepts that he/she is not granted the right to reproduce, copy, sell, resell and/or commercially exploit in any way all or part of the content of the site. If he/she does so, he/she accepts that he/she is solely liable for compensation for the aforementioned.


Given the nature and volume of the internet, under any circumstances, including in case of negligence, the website is not liable for any form of damage suffered by the visitor/user of its pages, services, options and contents that he/she undertakes on his/her own initiative. Its contents are provided "as is" without any warranty expressed or implied in any way. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the site disclaims all warranties expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, those implying merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

The website does not guarantee that the pages, services, options and contents will be provided without interruption, without errors and that errors will be corrected. It also does not guarantee that the same or any other related site or the servers through which they are made available to users/members are free of "viruses" or other harmful components. The site does not guarantee under any circumstances the correctness, completeness or availability of the contents, pages, services, options or their results. The cost of any corrections or services is borne by the visitor/user and under no circumstances by this website and the company that manages or commercially exploits it.

The website, its management and its editors are not responsible for the posts made by its named contributors, whose column is hosted in the framework of cooperation on the website.


The site hosts on its website "BLOGS" of well-known bloggers. In these "BLOGS" the responsibility of the posts, as well as their content belongs exclusively to the named authors, expressly excluding any liability on the site. The same applies to comments posted by users on it.


The content and information contained in the website constitute an offer to the visitor/user and to the community of internet users in general and cannot of course be construed as valid information and/or advice nor do they imply any encouragement to undertake or not undertake specific actions. The website undertakes the collection, processing and distribution of its content, but in no way guarantees the integrity, completeness, adequacy and general suitability of this content and the absence of possible errors, especially due to its particularly large volume, as well as the participation of third parties (natural or legal persons) in its primary production and collection. Therefore, visitors/users of the website, using its services on their own initiative, assume the relevant responsibility for cross-checking the information provided.

Some of the information on the website is provided by third parties. The website is not able to verify this information and does not guarantee its accuracy.


The website or connected applications have hyperlinks to, and details of, third party websites or related applications. The website does not control and is not responsible for the availability, content, privacy and data protection policy, quality and completeness of the services of other websites and pages to which it refers through "links", hyperlinks or advertising banners. The website should not be considered as endorsing or accepting the content or services of the websites and pages to which it links or otherwise being linked to them.


The website may provide its visitors/users with the possibility to purchase services and/or products through e-commerce applications, according to the specific terms and conditions that it sets and ensuring the protection of the personal data they submit for the use of these services. In the case of goods and services provided by third parties, the website and the company are not responsible for the quality of the goods acquired through e-commerce applications and the transaction binds only the visitor/user and the company providing the goods or services. Therefore, under no circumstances can the website be involved in any relevant legal dispute arising from this transaction. The user, as a prudent consumer, must check the products and services provided in each case at their sole risk and not that of this website.

MP3SHOP.gr is committed to ensuring the security and integrity of the data it collects about the users of its website. MP3SHOP.gr has adopted procedures that protect the personal data that users submit to its website or provide by any other means (e.g. by telephone). These procedures protect user data from any unauthorized access or disclosure, loss or misuse, and alteration or destruction. They also help to certify that this data is accurate and used correctly. Your connection to it is secure because it uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology. SSL technology relies on a key code to encrypt data before it is sent over the (SSL) connection. The security check between the data and the server is based on the unique code key, fully securing the communication. The browsers (browsers) Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari support the SSL protocol and it is recommended to use them to connect to the website of MP3SHOP.gr.

We apply an appropriate level of security and have therefore implemented reasonable physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard the data we collect from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access to personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed. Our information security policies and procedures are closely aligned with widely accepted international standards and are regularly reviewed and updated as necessary to meet our business needs, changes in technology and regulatory requirements. Access to your personal data is only granted to staff or direct associates with the Company who are required to have such information to process orders. In the event of a data breach involving personal data, the Company will comply with applicable law regarding notification of the breach.

In cases where e-commerce applications are carried out between the users/members and the website, the website is obliged to comply with Decision Z1-496/2000 on distance selling and the provisions of Law 2251/1994 on Consumer Protection. Thus, the website is obliged to inform its potential customers about a) the essential characteristics of the goods and/or services offered, b) the price, c) the quantity and transport costs, d) the value added tax if not included in the price, e) the method of payment, f) the method of delivery and performance, g) the duration of the offer or price and h) the right of withdrawal.

The website may, with your consent, utilize - process the data collected during user transactions in order to record the purchasing interests of the trader and make new offers. The user/member of these services can request that such offers not be made by withdrawing his/her consent at any time.


Purchases through the website are processed by a third party provider, banking institution or legally licensed payment service provider. The payment process is carried out according to the terms and conditions of the relevant service provider, to whose website a secure redirect is made. The credit card that the visitor/user will use to pay for the services/subscriptions of the website is charged only once and only for the specific transaction, unless the visitor/user has chosen to have his/her credit card charged automatically each time his/her subscription or the service he/she participates in is renewed. The website is not responsible for the terms of processing these transactions or the terms of use of personal data adopted by the above-mentioned providers with whom it collaborates to complete commercial transactions.


The user understands and accepts that the website may adopt new terms of use of its services, including the time limits that will be maintained on the website services, e-mails, forums, user pages, and/or any other content posted and/or published by the user/member. Users/members understand and agree that the site reserves the right to deactivate e-mail accounts at any time and without charge. In this case, you will be notified in order to receive your stored data within a specified period of time. This notification will be made both by sending an e-mail and by posting on the website. If you do not exercise this right, this data will be securely and permanently deleted.


The Company's website collects personal data a) when the visitor / user registers to its services b) when using its products and/or services c) when visiting its pages and/or entering its promotional / advertising programs and d) when participating in competitions. The personal data that are compulsorily collected for the use of the above services are the following: First name - Surname - - Email - Telephone - Address - Postal code - City - Country - Occupation - Age.

The following types of personal data may be collected, stored and used:

(a) information relating to his/her computer as well as to his/her visits to, and activity on, this website or connected applications (including [his/her IP address, geographical location, type and version of his/her browser, operating system, referral source, duration of his/her visit, pages read and navigation paths on the website or connected applications].

(b) information provided when registering on the website or on linked applications (including your own email address).

(c) the information they provide when completing their profile on the website or in connected applications (including: their name, their profile photos, their gender, their date of birth, their marital status, their interests and occupations, details of their education and professional background).

(d) the information they provide to the website for the purpose of subscribing to the website's updates and newsletters by email (including their name and email address).

(e) the information they provide to the website using the services available on the website or in connected applications (including the time, frequency and manner of use of the services).

(f) information related to purchases they make on products/services/products and/or services on the website or other transactions they carry out through the website or through connected applications (including their name, address, telephone number, email address and credit card details).

(g) the information they post/upload to the website or linked applications for the purpose of publishing it online (including the username they have designated, their profile photos and the content of their posts).

(h) the information contained in, or linked to, any communication they promote on the website, or which they promote through the website or through linked applications (including the content of the communication and the metadata associated with that communication).

(i) any other personal information they choose to send to the website; and

(j) provide details relating to other information collected.

Before disclosing personal data of a third party on the website, the user must have previously obtained the consent of that person for both the disclosure and the processing of his/her personal data, in accordance with this Policy.

Personal data provided through the website, or related applications, will be used for the purposes stated in this Policy or on the relevant pages of the website or related applications.

The website may use the user's personal data for :

(a) the management of the website and associated applications and activities;

(b) to personalise the website and connected applications for the user;
(c) enable the user to use the services provided through the website or connected applications;

(d) ship products purchased through the website or connected applications to the user;

(e) to forward bills, invoices and payment reminders as well as to collect payments from the website from the user;

(f) send the user commercial, non-promotional, updates;

(g) to send the user notifications that the user has specifically requested to receive;

(h) to send the user newsletters by email, if he/she has opted for it (he/she can at any time inform the website that he/she no longer wishes to subscribe to the newsletter)

(i) inform the website of promotions related to its activity (or the activities of carefully selected third party companies) that may be of interest to the user, by mail or, if the user has consented to this, by email or related technology (he/she may at any time inform the website that he/she does not wish to receive promotional notifications);

(j) for the website to provide third parties with statistical information relating to users (but without the recipients of this information being able to personalise any user through it)
(k) for the website to handle queries and complaints from, or relating to, users of the website or connected applications;

(l) to keep the website as well as the connected applications secure and to avoid fraud;

(m) to verify compliance with the terms and conditions governing the use of the website or connected applications (including the control of personal messages sent through the website or the personal messaging service of connected applications).

If the user submits personal information for publication on the website or in connected applications, this information will be published and used in accordance with the permission granted by the user.

Privacy Settings can be used to restrict the publication of user information on the website or in connected applications, and can be adjusted using the privacy settings on the website or in connected applications.

Without the prior express consent of the user, the website will not make his/her personal information available to any third party for the purpose of direct marketing of the user or any other third party.

The website will communicate to the payment service provider only the data necessary for the processing of payments made by the user through the website or connected applications, for the refund and the management of complaints and questions related to these payments and refunds.


The website gives users the right to delete their personal data, correct and/or update their personal data and/or inactivate their registration at any time by sending an email to the website.


The website undertakes not to sell, rent or in any way publish and/or disclose the personal data of visitors/users/members of the website to any third party.

The website may transfer personal data of its visitors/users/members to third legal and/or natural persons only if :

- It has the prior explicit consent of visitors/users to channel personal data.

- The transmission of personal data to legal and/or natural persons cooperating with the website becomes necessary for the implementation of the users' wishes and/or orders. The legal and natural persons cooperating with the website have the right to process the personal data that the users/members of the website submit to them only to the extent strictly necessary to provide support to the website.

- It is ordered for compliance with the relevant provisions of the law and to the competent authorities only.

The Site may disclose users' personal information to any employee, director, insurer, professional advisor, agent, supplier or subcontractor to the extent reasonably necessary for the purposes set forth in this Policy.

The website may disclose users' personal information to any member of the group of companies to which it belongs (i.e. subsidiaries, the parent company and all its subsidiaries) to the extent reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this Policy.

The website may disclose the personal information of users:

(a) to the extent required by law;

(b) in connection with existing or potential legal proceedings

(c) to establish, exercise or protect its legal rights (including providing information to third parties to prevent fraud and mitigate credit risk);

(d) to the buyer (or potential buyer) of any business or asset it intends (or is considering) selling

(e) to any person who reasonably believes that he or she may have recourse to a court or other competent authority for disclosure of the personal information, where in the reasonable judgment of the site's officers such court or competent authority would be reasonably likely to order disclosure of such personal information.

Except as provided in this Policy, the website will not make the personal information of users available to third parties.


The information collected by the website may be stored, processed in, and transferred to, any of the countries in which it operates in order to facilitate the use of this information in accordance with this Policy.

Information collected by the website may also be transferred to the following countries, which do not apply data protection laws similar to those in the European Economic Area: United States of America, Russia, Japan, China and India.

Personal information that users post on the website or on linked applications or that they submit for publication on the website or linked applications may be made available, via the internet, around the world. The site cannot prevent the use, or improper use, of such information by other persons. In any case, the transfer to third countries will be made in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and any implementing Greek law and only in full compliance with what the law requires. The user expressly accepts the transfer of personal information as described in this Section.


This Section sets out the policies and procedure for the retention of personal data, which are designed to ensure that the website complies with its legal obligations regarding the retention and deletion of personal information.

Personal information processed by the website for any reason or purposes will not be kept for longer than the time required for that purpose or purposes. The site will retain your personal information for six months after you have deleted your personal information from it.

Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, the site will retain documents (including electronic documents) that contain personal data:

(a) to the extent required by law;

(b) If the site administrators consider that these documents are relevant to any existing or potential legal proceedings

(c) To establish, exercise or protect its legal rights (including information to third parties for the purpose of fraud prevention and credit risk mitigation)


The website will take every organizational and technological precaution to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of users' personal information.

The site will store all personal information provided by users on secure servers (protected by passwords and firewalls).

All online financial transactions carried out through the website or connected applications will be protected by encryption technology.

The user acknowledges that sending information over the Internet presents inherent security problems and therefore the website cannot guarantee the security of the data transmitted through it.

The user is responsible for keeping the password used to access the website or connected applications confidential. You will not be asked by the website to disclose this password (except when the user logs in to the website or connected applications).


The user may ask the website to provide him/her with any personal information it holds concerning him/her. This provision is subject to:

(a) a fixed fee charge (currently set at €50); and
(b) providing the appropriate evidence of his/her identity (for this purpose, the site administrator will usually accept a photocopy of the user's identity card certified by a lawyer as well as an original utility bill document showing his/her current address).

The website may withhold personal information requested by the user from the website, to the extent permitted by law.

The user may at any time request the website not to process his/her data for commercial purposes.

In practice, either the user will explicitly and in advance accept the processing of their personal information for commercial purposes, or they will be given the possibility to opt out of the processing of their personal information for commercial purposes.


As a data subject, you have specific legal rights concerning the personal data we collect from you. The Company respects your rights and will adequately address your concerns.

The following list contains information about your legal rights under applicable data protection laws:

@ Right to withdraw consent: where the processing of personal data is based on your consent you can withdraw this consent at any time.

@ Right of rectification: you can ask us to correct the personal data concerning you. We make reasonable efforts to keep your personal data that we have in our possession or control and used on an ongoing basis accurate, complete, current and relevant, based on the most recent information available to us. You also have the ability to review and correct your personal data by logging into your personal account on MP3SHOP.gr

@ Right of restriction: You can ask us to restrict the processing of your personal data if

- You contest the accuracy of your personal data for the period we need to verify the accuracy, - The processing is unlawful and you request restriction of processing instead of deletion of your personal data, - We no longer need your personal data but you need it to support, exercise or defend legal claims, or - You object to the processing for the period we verify whether our legitimate interests override yours.

@ Right of access: you can ask us for information about personal data we hold about you, including information about the categories of personal data we hold or control, what it is used for, where it was collected from, if not from you directly, and to whom it has been disclosed, where applicable. You may obtain from us, free of charge, a copy of the personal data we hold about you. We reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee for any further copy you may request from us.

@ Right of portability: At your request, we will transfer your data to another controller where technically feasible, provided that the processing is based on your consent or is necessary for the performance of a contract. Instead of receiving a copy of your personal data, you can ask us to transfer the data to another controller, indicated by you, directly.

@ Right to erasure:

@ Right to object: you can object - at any time - to the processing of your personal data on the grounds of your particular situation, provided that the processing is not based on your consent but on our legitimate interest or the legitimate interests of third parties. In this case, we will no longer process your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds and an overriding interest in the processing or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. If you object to the processing, please specify whether you want us to delete your personal data or restrict the processing.

@ Right to lodge a complaint: In the case of an alleged breach of applicable privacy laws, you can lodge a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority in the country where you live or where the alleged breach occurred.

Please note:

@ Time period:We will try to satisfy your request within 30 days. However, the time limit may be extended for specific reasons relating to your specific legal right or the complexity of your request.

@ Restriction of access: in some cases we may not be able to provide access to all or some of your personal data based on legal provisions. If we deny your request for access, we will inform you of the reason for this denial.

@ Non-identification: in some cases, we may not be able to search for your personal data because of the identifiers you provide in your application. Two examples of personal data that we cannot search for when you provide your name and email address are.

In such cases, where we cannot identify you as a data subject, we are unable to comply with your request to exercise your legal rights as described in this article, unless you provide us with additional information that allows us to identify you.

@ Exercise your legal rights: In order to exercise your legal rights, please contact us in writing, by email. You can also contact our Data Protection Officer directly at [email protected]


The website is not responsible for the content that users post and/or publish on their personal pages (Homepages). Other users visit these personal pages at their own risk. If the website receives notice that the content on any of the personal pages hosted by it offends third parties and/or violates the personal data of third parties, the website reserves the right to immediately and without notice delete the relevant pages and/or the user/member who made the relevant posting and/or publication. This clause applies to texts, photos, images, pictures, audio files, video files and any other content that users may post/publish on their personal pages.


The website provides visitors/users of its services with the possibility of voting on topical issues, which it formulates in the form of questions. Voters' responses are recorded, analysed and commented on by the website in order to draw conclusions about public opinion on the specific issue put to the vote. The site reserves the exclusive right to collect and exploit this data and the conclusions reached are its intellectual property. The site shall determine the specific conditions for participation in the vote and reserves the right to stop voting.


The website maintains real-time chat service areas on the Internet, according to the specific terms and conditions it provides and offers visitors/users the possibility to develop their own message boards, while giving them the possibility to take part in the discussion of message boards created by other users by sending text messages. Visitors/users of the relevant services must observe the rules of good conduct and decency and not engage in illegal or unethical language.

The website can in no way be considered as accepting or endorsing in any way the personal ideas or perceptions expressed in these areas. The website reserves the right to exclude or suspend any visitor/user of the relevant services if it becomes aware of a breach of the above terms. The website may record the content of the messages sent by visitors/users of the relevant services solely for the purpose of detecting violations of their terms of use as specifically provided in the Terms of Use and for no other purpose.


The website may host platforms through which digital entertainment services will be offered to the visitors/users of the website. The website bears no responsibility whatsoever regarding the type of these services and the way they operate. By using these services, the visitor/user accepts the terms of use of these digital platforms.


The above terms and conditions of use of the site, as well as any modification thereof, are governed and supplemented by U.S. law, and the competent courts for the resolution of any dispute are the Courts of the city of Sheridan of the United States of America.

Any provision of the above terms that is contrary to the law, shall automatically cease to apply, without in any way affecting the validity of the other terms.

The present constitutes the entire agreement between the Company and the visitor/user of their pages and services and is binding only on them. No modification of these terms shall be considered and shall form part of this agreement unless it is in writing and incorporated herein. The present terms of use prevail over any other terms and apply to all the services and applications of the site without exception, without the need for any other specific terms. The user who uses this website and its services shall be deemed to accept these terms unconditionally if he does not submit an objection. The website is managed by the Company. The Website may update this Policy from time to time by posting the new version on the Website or on linked applications. The user should check this page regularly to ensure that it complies with any changes to the terms of this Policy.

The website may inform users of changes to this Policy (either by email or through the website's personal messaging service or connected applications).

The management and protection of the personal data of the visitor/user of the site's services is subject to the terms of this section, as well as to the relevant provisions of Greek legislation [(REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and any applicable laws]. These conditions are formulated taking into account both the rapid development of technology, in particular the Internet, and the existing - albeit not fully developed - legal framework on these issues. In this context, any possible relevant regulation will be the subject of this section. In any case, the website reserves the right to change the terms of protection of personal data upon informing visitors/users and within the existing or potential legal framework.

If a visitor/user/subscriber does not agree with the terms of protection of personal data provided herein, he/she must not use the services of the website and especially refuse to register as a member or subscriber.

These terms were updated on the 30th of November 2023.