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Pippo από τους Wide Summer

Elk Wapiti by Eerie Angel

Lorikeet Scaly-Breasted από τους Switchblade Sepulchre

I Think από τους Colour Jam

Murry from Wicked Cauldron

Brazil by Ink Shriek

Delphinus Delphis από τους Shamrock Queens

Klau από τους Neverland Shoes

Macropus Fuliginosus Lounge Edition από τους Elrinio

Drink of Freedom από τους Razorblade Fire

Maoping Lounge Edition by Travelling Polly

Graceful Bedstraw by Alluring Dance

Shane από τους Whisky Heroes

Original price was: 1,99 €.Current price is: 1,29 €.

Kincaid από τους Warhol’s Heart

Original price was: 1,99 €.Current price is: 1,29 €.

Cross-Group από τους Dinosaur Winter

Original price was: 1,99 €.Current price is: 1,29 €.

Geochelone Elephantopus από τους Scarlet Zombie

Original price was: 1,99 €.Current price is: 1,29 €.

Cormorant (Unidentified) από τους Weird Savior

Original price was: 1,99 €.Current price is: 1,29 €.

African Polecat από τους Colour Jam

Original price was: 1,99 €.Current price is: 1,29 €.

Microcebus Murinus από τους Breakneck Arsenic

Original price was: 1,99 €.Current price is: 1,29 €.

Things for an Angel από τους ElRinio

Original price was: 1,99 €.Current price is: 1,29 €.

Butterfly (Unidentified) by Sunset Youth

Original price was: 1,99 €.Current price is: 1,29 €.

Choloepus Hoffmani by Wicked Twilight

Original price was: 1,99 €.Current price is: 1,29 €.

Le Mans by Wooden December

Original price was: 1,99 €.Current price is: 1,29 €.

Meles Meles από τους Razorblade Fire

Original price was: 1,99 €.Current price is: 1,29 €.


Bering Dwarf-Primrose από τους Candy March

Anastomus Oscitans από τους Carbon Dolls

Autumn and Chances από τους Smooth May

Bettong Brush-Tailed από τους Cartoon Babies

Mag Lounge Edition από τους Catatonic War

Lillian από τους The Runaway Mode

Kobus Defassa από τους Car Crash Maids

Jecho από τους Warhol’s System

Short description of the project

This project aims to promote the musical heritage of the South Aegean through the creation of a music publishing platform. With a goal to protecting the rich musical heritage and supporting local artists, the project aims at a series of actions, which include the development, production and distribution of musical works.

The importance of the project is twofold: on the one hand it contributes to the preservation of the cultural identity of the region through music and on the other hand it creates opportunities for young artists to express their talent. This is achieved by supporting high quality productions, promoting the artists to a wider audience and encouraging the link between the music industry and cultural heritage.

Ένα σημαντικό σημείο του εγχειρήματος αποτελεί η χρηματοδότηση και υποστήριξη που παρέχεται από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, ιδιαίτερα μέσω του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινωνικού Ταμείου. Η εν λόγω χρηματοδότηση εντάσσεται στα πλαίσια του Επιχειρησιακού Προγράμματος «Νότιο Αιγαίο 2014 – 2020».

The project also aims to enhance the socio-economic development of the region by providing employment and entrepreneurship opportunities in the music production sector. In addition to the direct impact on artists and those involved in the music industry, the project is expected to have a positive impact on the local community by promoting cultural exchange and the preservation of cultural heritage. The integration of new technologies in the production and distribution of music is expected to open up new perspectives for the protection and promotion of musical creation.

The financial assistance and support from the European Union and the European Social Fund is crucial for the implementation and success of the project, confirming the belief in the value of cultural and social development and the European Union's commitment to promoting cultural diversity and supporting innovation and sustainable development.

Συγχρηματοδότηση της Ελλάδας και της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης